Hilarious Gemini Quotes
Are Geminis funny?… Yes they are. They love making people laugh. On one hand, you’ll hear them utter the smartest thing you’ve ever heard, and on the other, they can say the most ridiculous statement ever spoken. They are so unpredictable, you’ll never know what to expect. Here are some funny things Geminis might say and hilarious things said about them…
I change my mind.
My Sign is Gemini
My sign is Gemini. Basically, I’m two times better than you.
Gemini Mood
I’m bored. Let’s do some crazy shit.
It’s The Gem in Me
Double the trouble, double the fun, learn how to love me, or learn how to run.
Of course I talk to myself, Sometimes I need expert advice.
Gemini Excuse
I’m a Gemini, that’s my excuse.
Understanding Gemini
You’d lose your mind trying to understand mine.
Gemini Personality
Their personality is half ‘cool as fuck, and half what the fuck?
I don’t believe in Astrology. I’m gemini, we’re skeptical.
Gemini: Winning every argument since the 1st grade.
Can a Gemini ever sit still?
They will not apologize for having something to say just because your sensitive ass cannot handle the truth.
I’m a Gemini so I change my mind every day. – Natalie Portman
Gemini doesn’t give two f*cks if you don’t like them.
The Twins
My sign is Gemini. Basically, I’m double awesome.
Even if Gemini really doesn’t like you, they still believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect — so they’ll respectfully ignore you.
When annoyed, Gemini can have a very sharp and sometimes lethal tongue.
Sh*i Geminis Say
I’m a Gemini, so to save time, just assume I’m always right.
The both of you need help.
A Gemini won’t ask twice, they will just ask someone else.
Keep Calm I am a Gemini, I can change my mind every second.
A Gemini is a cross between a drunk and a genius.